Types of sewing machine

Though there are different types of sewing machine but mainly, three types are considered for sewing, as given below.

1.   Mechanical sewing machines

2.   Electronic sewing machines

3.   Computerized sewing machines

1. Mechanical sewing machines

These machines are less expensive and are the simplest type of sewing machines in terms of build. They are the hand-operated sewing machine and treadle sewing machine.


Hand-operated sewing machine

        i.     This is the simplest form of domestic sewing machine which is operated by hand.

       ii.     A handle is attached to the flywheel which is detachable and is used to operate the machine.

     iii.     A hand-operated sewing machine is generally used for domestic purpose for simple projects as it does not work very speedily.

     iv.     This machine is suitable where there is no electricity supply.

Figure 1. 1; hand operated sewing machine. Photo credits; ivm 101- sewing machine operator


Treadle sewing machine

-          This machine is the same as a hand-operated sewing machine but it is operated by feet, with an additional stand attached to the machine.

-          A belt is attached to the lower stand passing through the balance wheel and driven by feet.

-          These machines run faster than the hand-operated sewing machine.

-          This machine is also suitable for the places where there is no electric supply.

-          When handling the treadle sewing machine, both the hands of the Operator are free to handle the fabric. Hence, this speeds up the work of sewing.


Figure 1. 2; treadle sewing machine. Photo credit, ivm 101.pdf

2. Electronic sewing machine

There are many more features in an electronic sewing machine than in a mechanical sewing machine.

-          These sewing machines run faster than manually operated machines.

-          In the electronic machines, balance wheel comes to motion by a belt, which is attached to an electric motor.

-          A single motor is attached to the electronic sewing machines and this motor supplies power to the needle.

-          It is essential to control the speed of this machine by putting pressure on an electronic foot pedal.

-          Practice is essential to handle an electric sewing machine.

3. Computerized sewing machines

·       These sewing machines are very fast and specific to use.

·       These machines are similar to the electronic sewing machines. However, a computerized sewing machine works with the help of various software.

·       Computerized sewing machines allow the Operator to tailor the functions according to the sewing needs. A computerized sewing machine functions very appropriately in designing and stitching various components of the garment like sleeves, yokes, pockets, etc. These advanced computerized machines have an LED display or LCD display or touch screen. They are multi-function machines and are expensive.


Sewing Machine Classification Based on Its Bed Type:

The machine bed is the lower part of the machine and feed dog and loopers are positioned beneath it. Table-1 shows the various kinds of machine beds along with their uses.

The bed of a sewing machine is that part of the sewing machine on (or against) which the fabric rests while it is being sewn. The classification of sewing machine bed types or shape types is done based on the manner in which the fabric falls, behaves and travels with respect to the bed during the course of sewing, to enable easier movement of materials around the machine.


Sewing Machine


Features and Applications

Stitch Type

Flat-bed machine

A vast working space

permits a wide range of

sewing applications and is

utilized for all types of flat

Sewing work.

Lock and chain stitch

Raised bed machine

The machine bed is in the

form of a pedestal which

helps in assembling of

presewn parts. This is

specifically used for

attachment of accessories

and special attachments.

Lock and chain stitch

Post bed machine

It has a raised working

machine bed and is used

for stitching of three dimensional


Such as shoes and bags.

Lock and chain stitch

Cylinder bed machine

It has a horizontal

arm-shaped bed as well as

increased working height.

It is most suited for

sewing tubular

components like sleeves,

cuffs and trouser legs, and

can also be utilized for

button sewing and bar


Lock and chain stitch

Side bed machine or feed of the arm sewing machine

These are dedicated for

edge sewing and requires

a lesser working space

Chain and over-edge stitch

Table 1. 3; bed types.

Classification of Sewing Machine Based on specific function:

The sewing machine classification based on the machine type is given below.

Table-3: Classification of sewing machine based on machine type.

Machine Types


1. Lock stitch machine

Straight and zigzag seams

2. Chain stitch machine

Makes machine chain stitches.

3. Double chain stitch machine

Utilizes two needles to make the chain stitches

4. Blind stitch machine

Blind stitch and hemming

5. Linking machine

Linking machine attaching trimming and

cuff of knitted fabrics.

7. Safety stitch machine

Safety stitching

8. Buttonhole machine

Specific sewing operation

9. Button sewing machine

Used to attach buttons to garments.

10. Bar tack sewing machine

Sews dense tack around the open end of the button hole. 

11. Profile sewer

Automatic, complex sewing operation

12. The feed of arm machine

Stitch a narrow tubular seam on the outer edge of the trousers and shirt.

13. Over-lock machine

Sews over the edge of one or two pieces of cloth for edging, hemming or seaming.

12. Pocket sewer

Help attach pockets on to garments.